Tactical Radios

PRC-162 Training


The AN/PRC-162 Gen2 Manpack is a modular two-channel radio covering the 30-1850 MHz frequency range in a form factor 30% smaller than the previous Gen1 Manpack. Each channel is capable of running a wide variety of Software Communications Architecture (SCA) narrowband and wideband waveforms – including the same waveform on both channels, using different frequency bands and/or waveforms. Embedded routing and cross-banding provide the ability to connect different nets and sub-nets for both voice and data. The AN/PRC-162 hosts several operational waveforms and provides secure Internet Protocol (IP) based voice and data communications. The Radio Sets (Dismounted, SVM, DVM, and TOC) are the critical networking transport segment from the upper tactical network at brigade and battalion levels to the lower tactical network at company and platoon echelon platforms. Individual radio channels are controlled and monitored directly from the front panel keypad display, or over the wired or wireless (over-the-air) network. Each channel provides a dedicated network interface to the platform host/network and to the vehicle intercommunications interfaces.



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LWNeU Support Desk

Phone: (706) 791.2447, DSN: 780.2447

Email: usarmy.eisenhower.cyber-coe.mbx.lwn-llc@army.mil

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