Tactical Radios

The LWNeU Wiki contains training and information products for: AN ARC-164, AN ARC-186, AN ARC-220, AN ARC-231, Skyfire, C5000, DAGR, EPLRS, FBCB2, GRC-103, GRC-245 HCLOS, ICTS, JNMS, LMR-5100, Land Mobile Radio, Microwave Radio, P2000, PLGR, PRC-117F, PRC-117G, PRC-148, PRC-150, PRC-152, Falcon III, PSC-11 SCAMP, PSC-5, Spitfire, Shadowfire, Redline, AN30, AN50, RF-7800W, SINCGARS, TROPO, AN-TRC 170A v3, VRC-100, VRC-110, prc117 and more

Use the links below to access LWNeU Tactical Radios Sustainment training, Sims and CBTs.

Multi-Radio Training

Tactical Radios

External Training and Information

Harris Radios Customer Service Support

  • The Harris RF Communications Technical Customer Service Support site provides soldiers with customer services such as Technical Information, Training Information, Downloads, a Knowledge Base, and more. You must use your AKO/DKO email address to create an account.

Community Forums

Use the LWN Forum to post questions or discuss the training.

Can't find what you need?

Request additional training by posting in the LWN Forum or contact us directly:

LWNeU Support Desk

Phone: (706) 791.2447, DSN: 780.2447

Email: usarmy.gordon.sigcoe.mbx.lwn-llc@mail.mil

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