Mission Command Systems Training

The LWNeU Mission Command Wiki contains training and information products for: ABCS, Battle Command Staff Trainer, BCCS, BCS3, CSSCS, Common Ground Station, CGS, CPOF, DMCTI, DTOC, FBCB2, ISYSCON, JADOCS, MCS, OSVRT, SICPS, TAIS, TIGR, TBC Collapse and more

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ABCS 6.4 User Toolbox (external link, opens new window)

ABCS 6.4 User Tool Box is organized with introductory and ABCS overview chapters to provide basic background information on systems and the supporting communications architecture. It will also explain the standard for configuring, testing the functionality, employing, and system protocols for eleven (11) of the Army Battle Command System (ABCS) 6.4 systems.

Battle Command Staff Trainer(external link, opens new window)

The BCST is a software tool for training BC staff personnel in staff ops in a pre-dep environment. It is designed as an event-based, tactical scenario generator, and can be installed on any Windows-based computer in the ABCS architecture.


Battle Command Common Services (BCCS) is the Army’s standardized TOC server architecture for Mission Command; it is the core of ABCS interoperability and systems. 

BCCS SYS Admin Course IMI (opens in new window)

The Battle Command Common Services (BCCS) System Administrator (Sys Admin) Course Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) product provides a computer-based introduction to BCCS for system administrators for self-development.

BCS3 (CSSCS) (external link, opens new window)

BCS3 provides multiple training opportunities for Soldiers to increase their knowledge of BCS3. This sustainment training, while not required, will help Soldiers maintain proficiency. These products provide leaders, integrators and operators with training products on the Battle Command Service Support System.

Common Ground Station (CGS)

CGS Training Information and Materials

The Common Ground Station (CGS) Computer Based Trainers (CBTs) are a stand-alone interactive Computer Based Training product used in developing, maintaining, and enhancing the skills of the CGS system operator.

Battle Staff Operations Course (opens in new window)

Commanders Overview (opens in new window)

Maintainers Course (opens in new window)

CPOF Downloads


The Distribution Management Cognitive Training Initiative (DMCTI) is a prototype cognitive training application to assist United States (US) Army logistical planners develop the skills and abilities to improve their understanding of the US Army Distribution Management (DM) process, exploit system capabilities, and improve analysis, planning and decision making. The Distribution Management Cognitive Training Initiative (DMCTI) CBT has been broken into 4 parts. You need to download all 4 parts to the same location on your PC, then execute DMCTI-ZIP.zip to unzip the package.

Digital Tactical Operations Center (DTOC)

DTOC Simulation

FBCB2 Resources

FBCB2/BFT provides leaders with the ability to take the initiative on the battlefield and to achieve combat superiority over an enemy through increased situational awareness and Battle Command. It provides leaders with an automated near-real-time capability for planning, co)ordinating, monitoring, controlling and discharging combat operations.


Integrated System Control (ISYSCON)

ISYSCON TIMS Training Information and Documents
ISYSCON Simulation

The Integrated System Control (ISYSCON) (V)/4 Tactical Internet Management System (TIMS) provides the US Army communications manager with a network management tool that will allow him to plan, disseminate, configure, initialize, monitor and troubleshoot the Tactical Internet (TI) as well as the Tactical Operation Centre (TOC) and Command Post (CP) and Local Area Networks (LANs).


The Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System (JADOCS) is a joint mission management software application which originated as a Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program.


The Maneuver Control System (MCS) is an integrated system of hardware, software, personnel, and procedures, and is used at corps, division, brigade, and battalion echelons, as well as at selected companies. The mission of MCS is to assist the commander and his staff in planning, directing, monitoring, and controlling combat operations from battalion to corps. It is intended as the centerpiece of the Army Battle Command System (ABCS). Download and extract the ZIP and view the README file.


MCS-Light is the Combined Arms Maneuver Commander's mission critical command & control system. It is designed to create and manage the Common Tactical Picture; enhance and shorten the decision-making cycle across the Operational Continuum; respond to the Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIRs); supervise execution of operations (not just planning); integrate information from other ABCS, Joint and Combined, systems; enhance planning operations and the OPORD Process; and operate in the tactical and Garrison environments.


OSRVT is a kit is integrated with the e-ROVER III System that provides enhanced situational awareness with near Real Time Video and Telemetry Data from multiple manned and unmanned platforms: Raven, Shadow, Warrior A, Hunter, Predator, other UAS and manned platforms.

Standardized Integrated Command Post System (SICPS)

SICPS Training Information and Documents
SICPS Command Post Platform (CPP)

The Standardized Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) provides the backbone of the on-the-move C4I for the U.S. Army Battle Command System with easy access, efficient working environment, and protection from outside contaminants, including chemical and biological agents. SICPS is an enabler that supports the capability needed to realize shared situational understanding by integrating various approved Army/Joint C2 communications and network systems in a collaborative environment to display the Common Operational Picture (COP) and enable Network Centric C2 capability.


The Tactical Airspace Integration System (TAIS) supports U.S. Army commanders and air space users by providing digitized battlefield automation and mobile communications in any theater of operations. Click the TAIS graphic to the left to download and extract the ZIP file to a location on your computer. Double-click the "TAIS_AC2_TrainingCourse.exe" file to get started.

TIGR (external link, opens in new window)

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TMs TBC Collapse

A collection of hardware technical manuals, training support packages, software technical bulletins, and other training products related to Tactical Battle Command components. Download and extract the ZIP to a file location on your computer.

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