The inaugural military intelligence podcast from Ft. Huachuca, home of the Intelligence Center of Excellence. Host: Colonel Christina Bembenek, Commandant of the Military Intelligence School. Guests: Lieutenant General Laura A. Potter, Army G2; Major General Michele H. Bredenkamp, Commander of the Intelligence Security Command; and Major General Anthony R. Hale, Commander of the Intelligence Center of Excellence. This episode will address questions from the field.
From Breaking Doctrine, a US Army Combined Arms Center podcast. Host: Lieutenant Colonel Nikki Dean. Guests: Major General Anthony R. Hale, US Army's Intelligence Center of Excellence Commanding General; CW5 Aaron Anderson, MI Corps Chief Warrant Officer; and Mr. Rich Creed, Director Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate. This episode will discuss the Army's longest running chicken and egg discussion: Intelligence Operations and who drives who?
A discussion addressing questions on the minds of the NCO Corps. Host: Command Sergeant Major Jesse Townsend, Commandant of the Military Intelligence Non-commissioned Officer Academy. Guests: Command Sergeant Major Julie Guerra, Department of the Army G2 Sergeant Major; Command Sergeant Major William M. Rinehart, Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) Command Sergeant Major; Sergeant Major Megan Hobbs, Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence (OCMI). Note: Due to technical problems the audio cut out after 18 mins. and will be resumed at a later time.
First installment of fireside chat of sorts on a host of important topics. Host: Major Andrew Kinney, Commander's Action Group Chief. Guests: Major General Anthony R. Hale, Commander of the United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence; Command Sergeant Major Tammy M. Everette, Command Sergeant Major of the United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence.
A discussion on open source and publicly available information within the intelligence community. Host: Colonel Christina Bembenek, Commandant of the Military Intelligence School. Guests: Lieutenant General Robert P. Ashley, Retired.