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MIPB Guidelines

When submitting articles to MIPB, please consider the following:

  • Feature articles, in most cases, should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words, double-spaced with normal margins without embedded graphics.
  • We cannot guarantee we will publish all submitted articles and it may take up to a year to publish some articles.
  • Although MIPB targets quarterly themes, you do not need to write your article specifically to a theme. We publish non-theme articles in most issues.
  • Please do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) in your article or biograph
  • Please do not submit an article to MIPB while it is being considered for publication elsewhere; nor should articles be submitted to MIPB that have been previously published in another publication or that are already available on the internet.
  • All submissions become property of MIPB and may be released to other government agencies or nonprofit organizations for reprint upon request.

What we need from you:

  • Compliance with all of your unit/organization/agency and/or installation requirements regarding release of articles for professional journals. For example, many units/agencies require a release from the Public Affairs Office.
  • A cover letter/email with your work or home email, telephone number, and a comment stating your desire to have your article published.
  • (Outside of USAICoE) A release signed by your unit’s information security officer stating that your article and any accompanying graphics and photos are unclassified, not sensitive, and releasable in the public domain. A sample security release format can be accessed via our webpage on the public facing Intelligence Knowledge Network website at:
  • (Within USAICoE) Contact the Doctrine/MIPB staff (at 520-533-3297) for information on how to get a security release approved for your article. A critical part of the process is providing all of the source material for the article to the information security reviewer in order to get approval of the release.
  • Article in Microsoft Word; do not use special document templates
  • Pictures, graphics, crests, or logos relevant to your topic. Include complete captions (the 5 Ws), and photographer credits. Please do not send copyrighted images. Do not embed graphics or photos within the article. Send them as separate files such as .tif or .jpg. Photos must be at least 300 dpi. If relevant, note where graphics and photos should appear in the article. PowerPoint (not in .tif/.jpg format) is acceptable for graphs, figures, etc.
  • The full name of each author in the byline and a short biography for each. Biographies should include authors’ current duty assignment, related assignments, relevant civilian education and degrees, and any other special qualifications.