Due to impacts of COVID-19, publishing of Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin issues for 2020 and 2021 have fallen behind our normal schedule. We are making every effort to return to our normal timeline.
The following themes and deadlines are established:
October–December 2021, Intelligence Disciplines. This issue will focus on new, critical, and refocused aspects of the intelligence disciplines and complementary intelligence capabilities. Deadline for article submission is 26 August 2021. This is a change from our previousl published deadline.
January–March 2022, Targeting and Intelligence. This issue will focus on how intelligence operations are evolving to support the delivery of lethal and nonlethal effects against intended targets. Deadline for article submission is 21 September 2021.
April–June 2022, Army Intelligence and Modernization. This issue will focus on how Army intelligence will transform to support a multi-domain capable force by 2035. Deadline for article submission is 17 December 2021.
Although MIPB targets quarterly themes, you do not need to write an article specifically to that theme. We publish non-theme articles in most issues, and we are always in need of new articles about a variety of subjects.
For us to be a successful professional bulletin, we depend on you, the reader. Please call or email me with any questions regarding article submissions or any other aspects of MIPB. We welcome your input, suggestions, and article submissions!
–Tracey A. Remus, Editor