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50th Anniversary
Volume 34-22-1
April 2022
Publicly Available Information for Intelligence Purposes
The Risk of Not Knowing: Enabling Intelligence Professionals to Leverage Publicly Available Information
LTG Laura Potter
COL Christina Bembenek
The Reawakening of Open-Source Intelligence
Ms. Corrine Geiger
Open-Source Intelligence in the Canadian Intelligence Community
LCol David Holtz
Ms. Angela Maxwell
The Open-Source Intelligence Conundrum: Creating the Discipline or Integrating the Data?
CW4 Jarrod R. Gack (Retired)
OSINT: Developing Analytical Capability for the Australian Army
WO1 Greg Hopper
Mapping the Information Environment with Open-Source Intelligence and Allies
Mr. Matthew D. Skilling
Open-Source Intelligence in the 82nd Airborne Division G-2
SGT Christian Torres
Publicly Available Information’s Importance to the Intelligence Disciplines
CW2 Christopher D. Hurtig