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50th Anniversary

To the Soldiers and Civilians of the Military Intelligence (MI) Corps,

We are delighted to mark the 50th anniversary of the Military Intelligence Magazine/Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (MIPB). This milestone is a testament to the unwavering dedication of countless professionals who have managed, edited, produced supporting art and graphics, and published both printed issues and online articles. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these professionals, past and present. At the core of MIPB’s success is and always has been the remarkable Army MI Corps and its supporters. We deeply appreciate all our readers, particularly those who have taken the time to contribute articles over the years.

MIPB presents information designed to keep intelligence professionals informed of current and emerging developments within the field and provides an open forum in which ideas; concepts; tactics, techniques, and procedures; historical perspectives; problems and solutions, etc., can be exchanged and discussed for purposes of professional development.

It is worth a minute to look at MIPB’s important mission. MIPB serves as a significant professional development tool and strategic communication means for Army intelligence senior leaders. We think MIPB has delivered in all respects when discussing new concepts and capability developments; lessons learned; effective tactics, techniques, and procedures; historical perspectives; and problems and solutions, among other relevant content.

In honor of this 50th anniversary, a team of MI professionals has meticulously combed through our archives and handpicked 10 notable and representative articles from 1976 to 2021. These articles, while not claiming to be the absolute best, are exceptional in their own right. They encapsulate the essence of their respective decades and serve as prime examples of various types of MIPB articles. As a bonus, we chose articles that delve into topics that are still relevant today. This compilation is a limited historical retrospective highlighting the concepts, issues, and solutions of bygone eras. We hope you find this collection interesting and informative, offering insights into today’s Army intelligence concepts, issues, and potential solutions.

Again, thanks to our many contributors and readers. We wish you all the best and look forward to your continued support in the years to come.

Always Out Front!